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Selected Publications


  1. Shirgaokar, M., Misra, A., Agrawal, A., Wachs, M., and Dobbs, B. (2021). Differences in ride-hailing adoption by older Californians among types of locations. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 14(1), 367–387.

  2. Misra, A., & Watkins, K. (2018). Modeling cyclist route choice using revealed preference data: an age and gender perspective. Transportation Research Record, 2672(3), 145-154.

  3. Sheikh, A., Misra, A., & Guensler, R. (2015). High-occupancy toll lane decision making: Income effects on I-85 express lanes, Atlanta, Georgia. Transportation Research Record, 2531(1), 45-53.

  4. Weber, J., Misra, A., Grossman, A., Cernjul, G., McTague, S., Guensler, R., & Watkins, K. (2014). Constructing Improved Bicycle Maps: User Preferences and Comparative Analysis. Traffic Safety, 3(1), 2-0.

  5. Misra, A., Gooze, A., Watkins, K., Asad, M., & Le Dantec, C. A. (2014). Crowdsourcing and its application to transportation data collection and management. Transportation Research Record, 2414(1), 1-8.

  6. Basu, D., Misra, A., & Puppala, A. J. (2015). Sustainability and geotechnical engineering: perspectives and review. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(1), 96-113.

  7. Misra, A., & Basu, D. (2011). Sustainability metrics for pile foundations. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 41(2), 108-120. Conference Proceeding

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. “Older Adults and Ride-hailing in California: Estimating Willingness to Pay for new Service Features across various Trip Destinations”, with Shirgaokar, M, Weinstein, A. and Dobbs, B., accepted for presentation at Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, October 2021.

  2. “Racial and demographic predictors of transportation-related policing deaths”, with Shirgaokar, M., D. Prentiss and Troy, A., accepted for presentation at Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, October 2021.

  3. “Enhancing Food Security for Families Vulnerable to COVID-19”, with Fabusuyi, T., Martinez, J., Chen, A., Jiang, V., Jagadish, H. V., & Hampshire, R. C., accepted for presentation at APPAM Fall Conference, Oct 2021.

  4. “What can U.S. travel data tell planners about opening the economy during COVID-19?”, with Shirgaokar, M., Nobler, E.*, and Muresan, D.*, presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Virtual Conference, January 28, 2021

  5. “The use of ride-hailing booking technology by older adults in California”, with Shirgaokar, M., Agrawal, A., Dobbs, B., and Wachs, M., presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Virtual Conference, January 26, 2021

  6. “Modeling Hurricane Evacuation Departure Times Using Location Data”, with Washington,V.*, Guikema, S., Mondisa, J.,  presented at INFORMS 2020.

  7. “Urban Taxi vs Non-taxi Crashes: Implications for Automated Vehicles in the Rideshare Environment”, with Leslie, A., and Flannagan, C., accepted for Presentation and publication in ISTDM 2021.

  8. “Bicyclist and Automobile Actions in Bicyclist Related Crashes: Implications for Interactions with Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic”, with Li*, A. and Bao, S. (2021), accepted for presentation in Intellisys 2021.

  9. “Understanding VRU Crashes for AV Safety Training and Deployment”, with Li*, A. and Bao, S., presented at Automated Vehicles Symposium (AVS) in Orlando, Florida, 2019.

  10.  “Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicle Evaluation”, with Feng, S., Sun, H., Feng, Y., Yu, C., Bao, S. & Liu, H. X. (2019). Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicle Evaluation (No. 19-03447), presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB Annual Meeting Compendium 2019.

  11.  “Leveraging Estimates of V2V-Based Intersection Collision Avoidance Benefits to Determine V2I-Based Benefits from Intelligent Intersection Support”, with Sullivan, J., presented at ITS America, 2018.

  12.  “Modeling Cyclists’ Willingness to Deviate from Shortest Path Using Revealed Preference Data”, with Watkins, K., presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2016, TRB Annual Meeting Compendium 2017.

  13.  “Socio-demographic Influence on Cyclists’ Self Classification by Rider Type”, with Watkins, K. and LeDantec, C., Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium, 2015.


  1. Fabusuyi, T., Misra, A., Martinez, J., Chen, A., Jiang, V., Jagadish, H. V., & Hampshire, R. C. (2021). “Enhancing Food Security for Families Vulnerable to COVID-19”, medRxiv.

  2. Flannagan, C., Misra, A., Bowman, P., Gopalan, H. & Park, L. (2021). “V2X Bridging Efficacy Analysis – Final Report”, Submitted to Ford Alliance.

  3. Agrawal, A., Shirgaokar, M., Misra, A., Wachs, M., Dobbs, B. (2020). “Will ride-hailing enhance mobility for older adults? A California survey” (No. 20–30). Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose, CA.

  4. Fabusuyi, T., Misra, A., Molnar, L., Hampshire, R. (2019). OHSP Pedestrian and Bicyclists Risk and Exposure Validation Project: Phase II – Final Report, Submitted to Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), Michigan.

  5.  Misra, A., Li*, A., Leslie, A., Cao, A. (2019). “Estimating Annual Average Daily Traffic on Non-federal Grant Roads”, Final Report Submitted to Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), Michigan.

  6. Misra, A., Li*, A, Chen*, A., Cao, A. (2019). “Developing a Bicyclist and Pedestrian level of comfort metric and visualization tool for Michigan Phase 1”, final report submitted to Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), Michigan.

  7.  Misra, A., Kumar*, R., Hua*, W., Karlow, J., Miranda, M., Park, L., Flannagan, C. (2018). “Safe Shared Mobility via Bicyclist and Motorist Education”, final report submitted to Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), Michigan.

  8. Misra, A., Leslie, A., Cao, A., Stanciu, S. C., Eby, D. W., Molnar, L. J., & Flannagan, C. A. (2018). “Identifying Potential Workzone Countermeasures Using Connected-Vehicle and Driving Data (No. ATLAS-2018-27)”, Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center).

  9. Sullivan, J., Misra, A. (2017). “Intersection and Intersection-related Crash Typologies”, Final report submitted to Continental in November 2017.

  10. Flannagan, C., Misra, A., LeBlanc, D. (2017). Crash Data Analysis to Understand Urban and Taxi-Involved Crashes in RideShare Cities, submitted to General Motors.

  11. Misra, A. Flannagan, C. (2017). “A Statistical Description of the Types and Severities of Crashes Involving Tractor Semi-Trailers: Update 2011-2015.”, final report submitted to Sandia National Laboratories in December 2017.

  12.  Misra, A. (2016). “Mapping Route Choice of Bicyclists in Atlanta Using Crowdsourced GPS enabled Smartphone Data.”, Ph.D Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A. (Committee: Dr. Kari. E. Watkins, (Chair), Dr. Patricia L. Mokhtarian (Civil Engineering), Dr. Jorge Laval (Civil Engineering), Dr. Bistra Dilkina (Computer Science and Engineering), Dr. Chris LeDantec (Human Computer Interactions). 

  13. Watkins, K., LeDantec, C., Misra, A., Asad, M., Mingus, C., Bearn, C., Poznanski, A., Guo, A., Ammanamanchi, R., Gentry, V., Gooze,A. (2016). “Using Crowdsourcing to Prioritize Bicycle Network Improvements”, STRIDE Center and Georgia Department of Transportation.

  14. Misra, A., Basu, D. (2011). “Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering” , Internal Report,

  15. Misra, A. (2010). “A multicriteria based quantitative framework for assessing sustainability of pile foundations.” M.S. Thesis, University of Connecticut, U.S.A. (Committee: Dr. Dipanjan Basu (chair); Dr. Norman Garrick, Dr. Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou, Dr. Allison Mackey).


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